Welcome To My Blog


Peter Bloomingdale


December 31, 2022

Hi, welcome to my first blog post. Not sure what I will write on here, but I hope you find it time worthy!

I was looking for a free photo online to use in my blog and just decided to take one myself. Currently, writing this post with a nice view of the city of Boston/Cambridge, despite the gloomy weather. One thing on the to-do list is to learn how to build an image generator using AI to create my own images or use an already developed model. I’ll likely start by playing around with Stable Diffusion 2.


Over the past year, I have learned many new programming languages and softwares. Earlier this year, Quarto was released. This has commonly been referred to as “R Markdown v2.0”. I highly recommend adding this tool to your toolbox as there are a range of useful applications. I have personally used Quarto for writing manuscripts, taking notes during online courses, documenting model/code, and creating websites (this blog!). I wish this was around when I was writing my PhD thesis!